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This Sunday   •   Upcoming Events   •   Community Events   •   Announcements   •   Church School   •   Music Notes   •   The RCL

Sunday, October 6

Hurricane Relief Fund

The pictures and stories from the devastation from Hurricane Helene are heart wrenching. In addition to our prayers, please consider making a contribution to Episcopal Relief & Development’s Hurricane Relief Fund HERE. There are also ER & D envelopes in the back of the sanctuary if you prefer to contribute by check or cash. Our faith calls us to action, and this is the best way we can respond to this crisis at this time.

Confirmation & Reception

Our bishop, The Rt. Rev. Bonnie Perry, will be with us this Sunday, October 6 for all worship services. She will preach and celebrate, and at the 10:00 am service, will confirm ten of our youth, six of our adults, and receive six people into the Episcopal church. We'll have a festive reception downstairs in the parish hall to greet our bishop and celebrate with our confirmands and new Episcopalians - hope to see you in church!

Blessing of the Animals

Join us Sunday, October 6 at 4:00 pm and have your pet (or photo or stuffed animal!) blessed.

Music for Meditation

Music for Meditation:
Magnolia Rohrer, Violin
October 6 at 7pm

The 2024-25 Music for Meditation series begins Sunday, October 6 at 7:00 pm. Magnolia Rohrer, Violin. Rohrer, a soloist for Hub New Music and Virago, will play works by Biber, Mozart, Komura, Matteis and Rheinberger. Assisted by Deborah Friauff, Organ and Piano. This event is free and open to the public. The concert is followed by Compline at 8:00 pm.

Donations Needed

If you have sleeping bags, blankets or warm clothing that you are no longer using, please consider donating those items to the Breakfast Program. Our guests are also looking for duffel bags and backpacks to carry their belongings. You do not need to buy anything new; gently used items are appropriate and appreciated. Donations can be dropped in the black bin at the Memorial Garden entrance.

Upcoming Events

Surviving the Election: Depolarizing Within

Saturday, October 5, 1-2:30 pm in the Lounge. This is the Social Justice Ministry’s third offering this fall. Using a workshop style with large and small group discussion, we’ll delve a little deeper into how to converse with those who have different political viewpoints than our own. To learn more, visit Braver Angels(.org); under the “Take an eCourse” tab, click on “Depolarizing Within.” All are welcome. Contact Merilynne Rush with any questions.

Ann Arbor Marathon

The Ann Arbor Marathon is next Sunday, October 13! Please note that your route to church may be disrupted. For a course map and road closures list visit

Usher Meeting

There will be a meeting for all current ushers and anyone interested in becoming an usher after the 10:00 am service on Sunday, October 13.

The Book of Job

Thursdays, October 17, 24, and November 7 at 5:30 pm in the Chapel. The Book of Job explores the question “Why do bad things happen to good people?”, radically challenging the doctrine of reward for the righteous and punishment for the wicked found in other books of the bible. A simple folk-like story frames some of the richest and challenging poetry in scripture, speaking across the centuries to anyone who has experienced undeserved suffering. Join us for three sessions on this fascinating book.

Prayer Vigils in Anxious Times

Tuesday, November 5 - 5:30 pm

This fall, we’ll gather in the Chapel on the first Tuesday of the month to pray, with words and with silence, for peace, understanding, and healing of the divisions in our country. Please join us.

EHM Fall Forum

Suicide Prevention and Awareness: Creating Hope Through Action

Sunday, November 17 at 11:30 am in the Chapel

This forum will include information, experiences, and prevention strategies with an emphasis on Washtenaw County resources. Guest speakers include Scott and Julie Halpert, Co-Founders of Garrett’s Space. EVENT FLYER

Community Events

50th Annual Ann Arbor CROP Hunger Walk

The St. Andrew’s Breakfast Program and the First United Methodist Church’s Love Thy Neighbor Program are joining forces to help end hunger for our neighbors in Washtenaw County. Next Sunday, October 6, we will walk as a team in the CROP Hunger Walk at Zion Lutheran Church (1501 West Liberty, Ann Arbor). Check-in begins at 1:00 and walkers will head out at 2:00 pm. Our team will meet at 1:45 pm. Look for the FUMC/St. Andrew’s sign. We hope you can join us to raise awareness for this important cause. LEARN MORE


Worshiping Virtually?

The 10:00 am Holy Eucharist will be livestreamed on our YouTube channel and the bulletin is available in the Publications section of this site.

October Rota

The rota for October is available. If you are unable to serve as assigned, please contact the scheduler for your group.

Rota: October 2024

New Issue of The Network Now Available

Stay informed about life at St. Andrew's with the latest issue of our bi-monthly newsletter The Network! The October/November issue is available now. This issue of The Network has the latest from Fr. Paul, Upcoming Ministry Events, the Fall Play, Flu Shots, Parish Photos and more!

The Network: The October/November Issue

Help Us Help You!

Please make sure the parish office is notified about hospital and nursing home stays and requests for pastoral care! If you have a request or update, please leave a voicemail at (734) 663-0518 or email Jonathan at

Church School Announcements

2024-25 Sunday School

9:15 am: Family Eucharist

Every Sunday in the Chapel

9:45 am: Nursery Care

Infant - 3 years

9:45 am: Sunday School

Age 3 - Grade 12

Classes start Sunday, September 8

Registration is now open

Please register your children for the 2024-25 Sunday School year online (no log-in required!) or complete a paper registration form in the Lobby.


Music Notes

Hymn 698: Eternal Spirit of the living Christ

This hymn can serve as a model for the various ways we need to pray: for our own needs, for forgiveness, for strength and vision to serve others. Written in 1974 by a Presbyterian minister, the text has been printed in many hymnals and can encourage us to “pray and not lose heart.” The simplicity and directness of the words are well served by the natural grace of the music. - Donna Wessel Walker

Be Ye Followers of God (Sowerby)

Leo Sowerby (1895-1968) was organist and choirmaster at Saint James Cathedral, the seat of the Episcopal Diocese of Chicago, from 1827 to 1962. His cantata, The Canticle of the Sun, received the Pulitzer Prize for music in 1946. Sowerby also taught composition at the American Conservatory of Music, located in Chicago until 1991; among the composers he mentored there were Florence Price, Ned Rorem, and William Ferris. Retirement from Saint James in 1962 saw him join the staff of the Cathedral Church of Saints Peter & Paul in the City and Diocese of Washington (colloquially known as Washington National Cathedral) as founding Director of the College of Church Musicians. - Dennis Powers

Revised Common Lectionary (The RCL)

Sunday, September 15 - Pentecost 17

Isaiah 50:4-9a   •   Psalm 116:1-8   •   James 3:1-12   •   Mark 8:27-38

Sunday, September 22 - Pentecost 18

Jeremiah 11:18-20   •   Psalm 54   •   James 3:13--4:3, 7-8a   •   Mark 9:30-37

Sunday, September 29 - Pentecost 19

Numbers 11:4-6,10-16, 24-29   •   Psalm 19:7-14   •   James 5:13-20   •   Mark 9:38-50

Sunday, October 6 - Pentecost 20

Genesis 2:18-24   •   Psalm 8   •   Hebrews 1:1-4; 2:5-12   •   Mark 10:2-16

Looking ahead?

Please visit The Lectionary Page. St. Andrew's generally follows Track Two.